304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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The kazoo for musical parties

The kazoo is a specialized wind instrument, also known as a “membrane flute” or “air horn”. It has a simple structure, usually consisting of a plastic or metal tube with a large diaphragm at one end and a trumpet mouthpiece at the other. The player blows to make the diaphragm vibrate, which in turn produces sound.
The kazoo has a unique and very loud sound. Because of its simplicity and unique sound, the kazoo is found in many styles of music, including jazz, rock, pop and folk.
The kazoo is also very simple to play, requiring only that the mouthpiece be placed between the lips and the diaphragm vibrated by blowing. The player can control the pitch and volume by varying the strength and speed of the blow. In addition, the kazoo can be used to play chords and simple melodies.

Although the kazoo has its own unique sound and playing style, it is not a mainstream instrument and is seen more as a fun and unique instrument to play. It is often used in concerts, parties, movies and TV shows to entertain and surprise audiences.
In conclusion, the kazoo is a simple and fun instrument with a unique tone and playing style. It can not only bring fun to the player, but also bring a unique musical experience to the listener.


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