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Headless Wood Tambourine

(2 customer reviews)


The skinless wood tambourine is a special type of tambourine that retains the basic structure and function of a tambourine, but removes the traditional animal skin or plastic tympanum. This design makes the skinless wood tambourine different in sound and playing style.



The frame of a skinless wooden tambourine is usually made of wood, is round, and can vary in diameter. Like the traditional tambourine, it has multiple sets of metal plates on the frame. When the frame is struck, the metal pieces hit each other to produce a crisp, clear sound. Due to the absence of a membrane, the sound of the skinless wood tambourine is more ethereal and crisp, and less deep and mellow than that of the traditional tambourine.
The skinless wood tambourine is a unique and interesting instrument that is full of creativity and possibilities in terms of sound and playing style.
Common sizes of skinless wood tambourines are: 8″ / 10″ / 12″.

2 reviews for Headless Wood Tambourine

  1. adminn

    The sound is crisp and pleasant and the material is sturdy

  2. adminn

    good quality

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